Entries from January 2008

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

The Kite Runner Blew Me Away

I vaguely recalled that The Kite Runner involved Afghanistan before I walked into the theater with my friend Ralph.  I also assumed it had to do something with kites.  Beyond that, I knew nothing about it.  The Kite Runner blew me away with its beauty.  Beautiful cinematography, editing and original score for sure.  But also beautiful stories of friendship, [...]

Monday, January 14th, 2008

Online Imaging

It’s uncanny how many sets of people and circumstances have appeared in my life unexpectedly in the last 12 months.  Seemingly unrelated ideas and uninterested parties are now intermixing in many interesting ways.  I am crossing paths with old friends for the first time in years and also developing several new relationships both personal and [...]

Monday, January 7th, 2008

What does dave2zero mean?

Dave. Version two point zero. That’s what it means. I think the idea that an actual person reaches a new version number is kind of funny. It does seem that the reality of growth and change in life is very gradual, in small steps. Two steps forward and one step back. So to declare that [...]

Sunday, January 6th, 2008

The Real Deal

OK. So I have finally gone and done it. I have registered a domain for my blog. I have decided to venture out into this space.The blog idea is not new to me. I started reading what most consider to be the first ever blog in the mid 90s (even though it wasn’t called a [...]