Monday, January 7th, 2008...9:15 pm

What does dave2zero mean?

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Dave. Version two point zero. That’s what it means. I think the idea that an actual person reaches a new version number is kind of funny. It does seem that the reality of growth and change in life is very gradual, in small steps. Two steps forward and one step back. So to declare that I have arrived at a version 2.0 says something. A lot really. But why not 1.5? Why not 4.0?I won’t bore you with the details in this particular post, but for a variety of dramatic reasons, I see this point in my life as a new beginning more than any other time. And this new start is unlikely to be repeated again in terms of its opportunity, impact, and scope.The interesting thing to me about version 2 is that it is not a restart. Just as with software, everything of my life from before is still there and still matters to a certain extent. The rough edges are being smoothed out. New features are being added.From the perspective of blogging, Dave 2.0 is the first version with a voice out in the open. A long time ago, I sub-titled my first practice blog as “a place to think out loud.” I may use that again here since that blog never really saw the light of day. The “dare I speak?” question was so ingrained for a lot of my life. I even considered calling my blog something like FoundMyVoice. I hope to write about myself and about the people and topics and pursuits that I love. I hope to write about the v2.0 process as it unfolds. I hope to express myself in some new ways and try out various aspects of my voice.  I hope to have some fun.

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